You have a four minute break between periods.
(Period 1) 8:00-9:08 English Skills 6
(BREAK) 9:08-9:18 Muffin Break
(Period 2) 9:18-10:26 Math 6
(Period 3) 10:30-11:38 Mrs. Goff’s Prep
(LUNCH) 11:38-12:13 Lunch
(Period 4) 12:13-1:21 English Applications 6
(Period 5) 1:25-2:33 Workplace Readiness 6/*7
(Period 6) 2:37-3:45 Social Studies 6
* second semester
You have a four minute break between some periods.
(Period 1) 8:00-8:57 English Skills 6
(Advisory)8:57-9:36 Advisory
(Period 2) 9:40-10:37 Math 6
(Period 3) 10:41-11:38 Mrs. Goff’s Prep
(LUNCH) 11:38-12:13 Lunch
(Period 4) 12:13-1:21 English Applications 6
(Period 5) 1:25-2:33 Workplace Readiness 6/*7
(Period 6) 2:37-3:45 Social Studies 6
* second semester
Mrs. Kristin Goff
Updated 9/2/2024

It's great to be a teacher in Horseshoe Bend's four day per week school system that continues to be led by great leaders in a positive direction!
Teaching Experience:
*substitute teaching in Idaho & Nevada
*second grade teacher in Nevada five years
*fourth grade teacher in Nevada one year
*third grade teacher in Horseshoe Bend seven years
*fifth grade teacher in Garden Valley seven years
*sixth grade teacher (and a bit of seventh and eighth) in Horseshoe Bend eight years
Coaching Experience:
*currently JV volleyball coach & varsity assistant (under daughter Sharsti Moore for the past ten years )
*four years head varsity volleyball coach Garden Valley
*six years head varsity volleyball coach Horseshoe Bend
*seven years head varsity volleyball coach in Nevada
*volunteer assistant coach for volleyball
*14 and under club volleyball coach for many seasons
* two years assistant high school basketball coach
My awesome (most of the husband, Patrick Goff, is in his ninth year as an administrator at Payette River Regional Technical Academy (PR2TA) in Emmett. He also happens to be our Information Technology Professional here at Horseshoe Bend School, and is the Mayor of Horseshoe Bend.
I have an adult son who is a correctional officer, and another, Jesse Goff, that co owns his own business, Idaho Pest Control Crew. In the past, Jesse has coached high school football and basketball at our school. My adult daughter, Sharsti (Goff) Moore, is our head volleyball coach here at school, has been the site manager for basketball, and is raising two children (with one due any day). Another adult daughter, Desirae Cooney, graduated from the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, is married with two children, and is living in north Idaho.
I am a proud grandparent of almost 12 grandchildren (Teigan, Malia, Carter, Landon, Bradley, Axel, Alianna, Shayli, Ainsley, Steorra, Owney and ???).
coffee, family, volleyball, horses, outdoor activities, health and eating chocolate
It's great to be a teacher, coach and community member of Horseshoe Bend, and HSB School continues to go in a positive direction! PROUD TO BE A MUSTANG. Go Mustangs!