Social Studies 6

(Updated 9/2/24)

Course Description for Social Studies 6:

The focus for sixth graders is for them to expand their understanding in the areas of mainly history, culture, and geography. Students may be exposed to such information as:  the five themes of geography, Earth’s location within the universe, major bodies of water found on Earth, climate regions, world ecosystems, natural resources, pollution, population, migration, Canada (geography, history, government, modern), and Mexico (geography, history, modern), North America and South America.  At times, science and social studies are integrated.

Material Expectations: same as for English Skills 6

Blended Learning:

In social studies, blended learning will be used which combines online educational materials and online interaction with traditional classroom learning. The student has some control over time, place, path, or pace. For much of the online portion, MobyMax Social Studies will be used.

Main Resources Used For Class:

MobyMax Social Studies - allows students to progress as quickly as they like, has students think and discover rather than just be told, is interactive 

BrainPOP - has social studies content, mainly videos, that engage students

HMH Social Studies World Geography 2019- textbook

HMH Social Studies World Geography Guided Reading Workbook- workbook

Social Studies Homework:

As long as students are on task and putting forth much effort, there should not be much social studies homework. However, if students are not staying focused or are falling behind, especially on the online portion of work, homework may be necessary. Students can be working on social studies in other 6th grade periods, as long as they have their regular work finished. Students can work on workbook pages and MobyMax Social Studies at home as much as they need to. Another option would be to come in on specific Fridays when teachers have “Teacher Workdays,” but that would need to be individually scheduled with Mrs. Goff.


Grades are not weighted in social studies. A point system is used. Online lessons are usually worth 10 points, whereas the tests are usually worth 5 points. Other activities/assignments such as workbook pages are assigned points based on the rigor of the task, etcetera.

Student Name Printed & Signed:  _______________  _______________

Parent Name Printed & Signed:  _______________  _______________

Date:  _______________

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