English Applications 6

Updated (9/2/24)

Course Description for English Applications 6:

We will be using MyPerspectives English Language Arts Grade 6 for our text! It is engaging for students, something that students can connect well with, and something students can learn a lot from. For examples, the essential question for unit 1, “Childhood,” is: What are some of the challenges and triumphs of growing up? For unit 3, “Modern Technology,” the essential question is:  How is modern technology helpful and harmful to society?

During each of the units there will be student-centered learning, whole-class learning, small group learning, independent learning and performance-based assessments. Students will have the opportunity to:  set unit goals, develop academic vocabulary, participate in discussions, develop overall reading, develop writing skills, make claims and support them with evidence, participate in performance tasks, participate in close readings, analyze text, cite textual evidence, study words, learn about conventions, reflect on writing, speak, listen, conduct research, go through the writing process, work as a team, present, etcetera.

Material Expectations: same as for English Skills 6

Main Resource Used For Class:

MyPerspectives English Language Arts Grade 6 - textbook used for both English 6 and English Applications 6

These books were bought for us using taxpayer money from hard working folks. Let’s show respect and gratitude by taking great care of them! :)


Students will need to do homework if they need more time at home in order to keep up in class. Everyone reads and completes tasks at their own rate, so some will definitely need to do homework at home. Students may also need to study for tests at home.

Grading: same as for English Applications 6

Student Name Printed & Signed:  ____________________  ____________________

Parent Name Printed & Signed:  ____________________  ____________________

Date:  _______________

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